Friday, December 30, 2011

Goodbye 2011

So I know I wrote one of these last year, but I also wanted to/felt the need to write one for this year.

Dear 2011,

Wow, the things we have seen this year! The year started off with a huge blessing! I was blessed with a full-time teaching job in SLC, UT. Coming in as a ninth grade teacher half way through the school year was rough, but pretty amazing. I learned things from those kids I was not planning on learning. And I definitely learned more about myself. Not to mention, I officially got rehired for the following school year! Life is good. :)
The Church reorganized the way singles wards are done and I got called to be the RS president. Not an easy task, might I add...but a complete blessing as well. I have enjoyed my time in that calling and the many opportunities I've had to serve those around me. Again, I have learned a LOT about myself.
The summer was a crazy whirlwind! I coached swimming and had a blast. My parents flew out and I went on a California vacation to Yosemite and Monteray and San Francisco. It was wonderful! Many memories and good times. Unfortunately, like last year, I experienced some heartache. A type of heartache I never even dreamed I would have to experience. And I came out on top! It was the hardest thing I have done up to this point in my life, and even though I would never wish this kind of thing on my worst enemy, I wouldn't take it back either. I have learned more about myself, the beauty of trials and suffering, and the beauty of mercy in the past five months, than I have in my whole life. My testimony is stronger and I know that I am much stronger! I can honestly say I have walked away from this experience a better person. I have gained a sense of gratitude for the things we all go through in life. I have gained a sense of compassion for others and I have a very much stronger sense of self. I can accomplish and live through anything.
My students this year are hysterical. They are a huge joy in my life and I am thankful for them every day. They have just been a blast and I look forward to seeing what the rest of the school year will bring. :)
I am home for Christmas. Words cannot express how much this trip home has meant for me. I needed this. I needed to be home in the place where I grew up, being around friends and family who have always offered love and support, and I feel completely rejuvenated having been here. It has been so good to be home.
So, at the close of this year, I close another chapter in my life and begin to start a new one. I am so excited to see what 2012 has to offer me. I know it will be full of highs and lows, good times and bad, but in everything there can be joy and gratitude. I truly feel as if I can take on the world. And this year, I plan to.
Goodbye, 2011. Thank you for everything you have taught me.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I'll Be Home For Christmas

A few months ago I experienced one of the hardest trials I have ever been through. Never in my life did I ever dream I would have to go through something like that, but I did. And for the past four months my heart has been aching to go home. I want to see my parents. I want to be in my "safe place" where I grew up and have unending support from old friends and family who I love dearly. I have wanted to be back in the south. I miss it! I've craved it. Just knowing that at this time tomorrow I will be stepping off a plane onto home soil makes me want to cry! And I know I will. :)

Don't get me wrong, Utah. I love you! And I look forward to coming back completely renewed and seeing what more you and 2012 have in store for me. I have learned so much and have been so blessed by my experiences here. I'm coming back, I promise! But right now, I just want to go home.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Random List of Facts and Feelings

Holy cow! Has it been awhile or what??? :)

Catch up:

-I love my students. They are a huge joy and light in my life.
-I am going home for Christmas. 20 days and counting down, ladies and gentlemen!
-I have fallen in love with two shows: How I Met Your Mother and The Big Bang Theory. Much love to Ted and Sheldon.
-I'm playing Mary Bailey in our ward Christmas play, "It's a Wonderful Life." This means a lot to me because this movie and I have a special connection. Really...we do. :)
-Tomorrow is Friday and I can not wait.
-On Saturday I have my first, full-fledged wedding/luncheon/reception photo shoot. I. am. very. very. nervous. Wish me luck!
- The bridals I did last week for the above stated wedding/luncheon/reception look AMAZING. If I say so myself.
-I'm going home for Christmas. Did I mention that already? ;)
-I have truly been blessed with amazing friends and family who have been extremely patient with me and who have seen and carried me through the past few months.
-I miss the sunshine and warmth of summer.
- I promise to be a better blogger.

Wonderful married shenanigans and adventures. :)