Saturday, March 5, 2011

Life in the UT, baby!

What can I say? I love living in Utah. I am having a blast and I feel so incredibly blessed and happy to be here. So much fun!

For starters, I live with my Aunt, Uncle, and Grandma. It has been a lot of fun to live with family and we have such a good time. Soon I'll be moving in with my friend, and co-worker, Kathrin, and I'm excited to do that as well!

Teaching is so much fun. Even on days when my kids have been down right rotten and hooligans from Hell, I still love it and want to come back the next day. That's when I knew I loved my job. :)

OK, so maybe they're not hooligans from Hell, but they can be pretty bad sometimes. I still am growing to love them. I do miss my Vegas kids like crazy though...

I'm a swim coach! What can I say? I AM LIVING MY DREAM! Ever since high school I have wanted to be a teacher and swim coach. And now... I am! I coach for a year-round club team and again, I am having a blast!

My singles ward is small, but awesome none the less and I have made a lot of new friends there. They are so welcoming and kind! I had a hard time with the singles ward scene back home. Straight up, I didn't go. I knew I wasn't wanted, so why waste my time? But here, oh my gosh. SUCH a difference! I love my new ward and it's pretty awesome.

All in all, I just feel so happy. I really am happy here. I am also happy to be able to go visit home during my Spring Break in April! That'll be fun. :)

Thanks for having me, Utah!

Wonderful married shenanigans and adventures. :)