Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Goodbye, 2010.

I know that New Year's is not for a couple of days, but I wanted to write this before 2010 left us.

2010 has definitely been an interesting year for me. When I look back on all the things that happened I start to wonder how exactly I managed my sanity through out the year. It hasn't been easy. Finishing college, working while in college, holding a high stress (but AWESOME) calling while working while in college. Leaving friends behind, meeting new friends, moving to a rather foreign-to-me place (Vegas) and embarking on new experiences I will never forget.

Let's shed light on the high points! I graduated college! Yay me! That is definitely something to be proud of. I had an incredible summer at the pool. I could not have asked for a better staff to manage/work with and could not have asked for better times. What a great summer! I successfully completed student teaching and met amazing people in the process. I taught kids who have changed my life and hopefully I have affected theirs. I also made a best friend in Vegas who has greatly helped me in the process of preparing for the temple. Thanks, Danielle. I got a piano for Christmas! Yes, a piano. I cried when I saw it. Check my Facebook videos for exhibit A.

Now, there were many, MANY more high points than that. Those are just a few. But I also learned a lot of lessons and experienced a lot of different things. I broke someone's heart for the first time in my life. And for the first time in my life, had my own heart truly broken. I found out what it meant to have true friends in this world and who they are, and that alone has made a huge difference. I learned what it means to fully trust in the Savior and Heavenly Father's plan for me, and I am working on putting that into practice (easier said than done, my friends...). I learned that nothing in life will ever go exactly as you planned it or how you think it will. And that's OK! Roll with it, kid. I know what it's like to feel as if you're being left behind; only to discover that I'm not being left behind, I'm not having these blessings kept from me because I'm being punished for something or am not good enough, and I'm not wearing a sign on my forehead that says, "Avoid Me Like the Plague." I'm not being left behind. My time for this blessing is just a little bit farther down the road than others. And I feel grateful knowing how much support, love, and sighs of relief ( :P) will come my way once that day comes. I also learned that people have their agency. Now, I always "knew" this, but in 2010 I learned the power and affect someone else's choices can have on you. I learned that I can't always be prideful and stubborn and be a pillar of strength for everyone. Sometimes pillars crack and need their own support beam.

Above all else however, I learned the beauty of patience and the importance of faith. I do not have perfect patience and I do not have perfect faith. But I am learning patience in the struggle and striving to have faith in the outcome. I will eventually find a job, I will survive specific trials that I know are coming up in my life, and I will find joy in my journey---now. I will find MY joy by sharing in the joy of others.

2010, you have been eventful. I have never been on a crazier ride. You and I have learned a lot together. I will not cry when you leave, but I am grateful for the memories and lessons I have gained during our time together. See ya later, 2010. And thanks.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

There's No Place Like Home for the Holidays

Yes, I am finally home! And I mean home, home. GEORGIA home. :) Like I said, I don't know how long I will be here for, but pretty much until I find a job or make a decision about something.

It was a long 28 hour drive, but I didn't mind doing it by myself. It was actually kind of fun. However, I was getting sick of music today. Something I NEVER thought I would say. I love listening to music. All the time. But today, after listening to it for 2 and a half days, I was ready to be done.

Crossing that Tennessee - Georgia border line was fantastic. I screamed for joy when I crossed over the county line, and was even more excited when I turned into my neighborhood. I got the weirdest feeling. It felt as if I had never left, but at the same time it did feel as if I had left. It was weird, but a good weird. I was greeted by a home decorated for Christmas and my dad (Mom was still at work). The house looks fantastic! I will have to post pictures soon. I love my home at Christmas time. Mom does such a great job decorating and it looks gorgeous!

Mom came home but then was off again to have her annual Christmas dinner and gift exchange with some ladies she works with. So Dad and I went to dinner at California Dreamin'. Can we say, "Yum" boys and girls? And then we came home and watched "A Christmas Carol" (the one with Jim Carey). So needless to say it was a nice, relaxing night at home with my family. I missed them so much.

It is so good to be HOME. Home truly is where the heart is. I know there is something in store for me here, and I just hope that I am patient enough to receive the blessings. I hope with all my heart that I find a job. Any extra prayers and thoughts will be cherished and appreciated. :)

Friday, November 26, 2010

Good Samaritans (Kind of a long one, but worth the read)

In Luke chapter 10 of the New Testament, Christ gives the parable of the Good Samaritan.

33But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him,

34And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. UAdd a Note

35And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee.

Tuesday night I met two Good Samaritans who did the exact same thing for me.

I was prideful and thought I could beat the blizzard that would be smacking Utah around ten o'clock that night. Well, as my luck would have it, the blizzard struck early and I hit a brick wall. I have driven in snow before, I have driven in bad weather conditions, but this was a nightmare.
I was terrified. I couldn't see out my windows. The snow flew at my car head on. The snow was falling so fast, so heavy, and the wind was blowing so hard, that any tire tracks from the cars ahead of me were gone as soon as they were made. I could have been driving off a cliff and wouldn't have known. I was literally driving blind through the mountains and summits of Utah.

I need to skip some info, otherwise this post would be forever long, so all in all I made it to Meadow, UT.

I pulled into the only gas station where I joined about 10-12 other vehicles. My eyes were red and puffy from sobbing and I was a hot mess. My nerves were completely on the fritz, I had no clue where I was, and I just wanted to collapse.

I walked into the gas station where a very nice lady greeted me with a hello, how are you. I couldn't even speak. I forced a smile and nodded. I collapsed onto a bench and watched as the blizzard made life worse. I called a friend in Provo, asking how far I was, when will the storm let up, what should I do. She said she'd call me back and I hung up, after having started crying again.

Woman Behind the Counter: Would you like some hot cocoa?
Me: Uh, sure. How much is it?
WBC: It's on the house. Don't you worry.

She brought me my cocoa and I was still trying to pull it together.

WBC: Are you OK, sweetie? Just a little nervous about the storm?
Me: Yeah. I thought I could beat this. Do you know when it will blow over?
WBC: About one o'clock.
Me: And how long are ya'll open?
WBC: Till eleven.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was ten thirty. I started to cry again.

WBC: It'll be OK. I called my manager and we'll stay open as long as everyone is still here. It'll be OK.

She walked away and I just kind of sunk into myself and tried not to cry for the millionth time that night.

A few minutes later, another woman walked into the store. She was the manager. She went to the woman behind the counter and they started talking. Then she came to talk to me.

Mgr: Sweetie, are you OK?
Me: Yeah. I'm sorry ya'll are staying open for me. I'm just trying to figure out what to do.
Mgr: OK. Well, just let us know if you need anything.
Me: OK. Thanks.
Mgr. You're welcome.

Then, a few snow plows drove by.

Mgr: You know sweetie, if you hop on the road right now, you can follow those snow plows up to Filmore. It's only five miles up the road and they have a couple of hotels there. Do you have any money?
Me: Um, yeah. I should be good.
Mgr. Come here.

The woman lead me over to the counter where she wrote down her home number, the store number, and the bishop in Filmore's number. She then called one of the hotels in Filmore to tell them that she was sending me their way, and they were to leave a room open for me.

Mgr: Now, get on the road and follow those plows. Get off in Filmore, and go to *this* hotel. If you get stuck along the way, or you get lost, or you need help, call the store, then me, then the bishop. If you get to the hotel and need some money, have them call me and they can put it on my card. OK?
Me: Yes, ma'am.
Mgr: OK. You gonna be alright?
Me: Yes, ma'am.
Mgr: OK. Come here.

This woman, a complete and total stranger, then pulled me into a firm hug, again told me everything would be OK, and to be safe.

I left and made it to the hotel in Filmore. When I got there, as soon as I told the hotel clerk my name, she immediately knew who I was.

HC: Oh! You're the girl they said they were sending. I'll make sure to let Mary know you're alright and made it safe.

Not only had the manager reserved a hotel room for me, offered me help and money, she had asked the hotel clerk to give her verification that I made it there safely.

That night those two women showed me the true meaning of service.

Thomas S. Monson, President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, said, "Our service to others may not be so dramatic, but we can bolster human spirits, clothe cold bodies, feed hungry people, comfort grieving hearts, and lift to new heights precious souls ... We have no way of knowing when our privilege to extend a helping hand will unfold before us. The road to Jericho each of us travels bears no name, and the weary traveler who needs our help may be one unknown. Altogether too frequently, the recipient of kindness shown fails to express his feelings, and we are deprived of a glimpse of greatness and a touch of tenderness that motivates us to go and do likewise."

President Monson also said, "My brothers and sisters, we are surrounded by those in need of our attention, our encouragement, our support, our comfort, our kindness—be they family members, friends, acquaintances, or strangers. We are the Lord’s hands here upon the earth, with the mandate to serve and to lift His children. He is dependent upon each of us."

To those two women I say, "Thank you, for being my Good Samaritans."

The Limbo Life

LIMBO: an intermediate, transitional, or midway state or place.

Yup. I'm in limbo. I've got good news and limbo news.


1. I have officially completed my Bachelor's degree! WOO HOO! I am done with my undergrad! It is so exciting! I always knew that at some point I would make it here, but now that it is here, it's so crazy. But like I said, very exciting!

2. I made it to West Valley safely and have been spending lots and lots of quality time with family. Let me tell you why this is good news. Other than spending awesome time with family, I almost died on my way up here. And no, I am not exaggerating. So if you're from the west and have been watching the news lately, you knew there was a blizzard coming. In fact, I knew it was coming. However, being the prideful, dumb, 22 year-old that I am, I thought I could beat the blizzard to Utah. What I got was the scariest night of my life. I was 5 inches from being hit by the truck bed of a spinning F150, several inches from slamming into the back of a Fed-Ex truck, and swerved along dangerous, mountainous terrain for an hour and a half. HUGE NOTE AND SHOUT-OUT: To the two women who live in Meadow, UT --- I can not thank you enough for your kindness, generousity, and willingness to help a complete stranger. For the short half hour that I knew you, you truly blessed my life (For more info on this incident, see future post.).

3. I get to see Brittany and Josh Mangelson and their BEAUTIFUL twin girls tomorrow! Yes, I am so excited!

4. I get to go HOME in a few days. That's right folks, home to Georgia. Hello Southern Hospitality! :D


1. I've applied to 7 different school districts in 5 different states. Have I heard back from anyone? No. Not really. So do I have any prospects for a job? No. Not really.

2. Other than the fact that I can't WAIT to see Georgia and my family, I'm going home because I'm literally in Limbo. I'm in that weird state of trying to move on with life, but life is holding me back. I want more than anything to move forward, but no options are being opened to me. Knowing God, there's a reason for this. I just need to be patient (PS- I did not mean for that to be a blasphemous statement...).

3. I do have several options on the table, but like I said, none are OPEN to me. They are the following:
a. Find a job somewhere. ANYWHERE.
b. Get my Masters degree in one of the following:
i. Elementary Ed.
ii. Teacher Ed.
iii. Educational Psychology (school counselor)
iv. English
c. Get a second Bachelor's degree in one of the following:
i. Elementary Ed.
ii. Teacher Ed.
d. Go on a mission.
i. Yes, I said it. Go on a mission. And no, this would not be a cop-out for not finding anything else to do in life. I would never go unless I knew with 100% surety, that it is what I was supposed to do.

There you have it. The Limbo Life. It's really not that horrible, just weird. The feeling of knowing and wanting to move forward and press on, but not knowing in which direction to take the first step.

Trust me! I'll let you know where I'm headed when I know. ;)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Other Side of Vegas Life

Friday night I went out with my cousins and really good friend Danielle, and we went to First Friday. First Friday is an art and vendor show that Vegas has on the first Friday of every month. So I was thinking it was going to be a lot of really cool vendors like in the movie What a Girl Wants (do ya'll know what I'm talking about?) and really cool art galleries and things of local artists. Well, there were vendors...and there were local artists. But the majority of the people were CRAZY! People were dressed up in clothes that were all cut up and had fake blood all over them. Other people were looking for a bar fight. The smell of weed was everywhere. It was interesting. I've been told that if you go earlier then it's not as bad. The jury is still out on that.

However, there was something that I saw that night that made me incredibly sad.

While walking up and down the streets there were random bongo bands playing music and people dancing and having a good time. We stopped at one because there was a bunch of people dancing and my cousin wanted to join in. I stood and watched as a mother and her son approached the dancing group and she placed a small basket with the word "TIPS" written on the front. She patted his cheek and walked away. Her son started doing all sorts of crazy dance moves, and he was pretty good for a 10 year old. A couple of people threw some money in the basket and cheered. At one point, a man accidentally knocked over the basket and helped the little boy pick up the money that fell out. As soon as all of the money was put back in, the little boy looked around, stunned at first, but then to find his mother who was dancing near by. He ran over to her, threw his arms around her waist and started to cry. She tried to hush him and tell him to go back to dancing but he wouldn't. And then we walked away.

It broke my heart. I don't know the reasons behind why that woman would have her son dancing in the streets for some money, but the idea of it made me sad. Sure Vegas is fun to some people, and the bright lights of the Strip act as a flame--- bringing in the moths from all over to come and waste their lives on gambling and cheap entertainment. But there's a darker, more sad side to the lives of the people living in Las Vegas.

Don't get me wrong, I truly love my time here and I enjoy all of the things there are to see and I do enjoy the people here as well. But what I think most people don't know about Las Vegas is that underneath the glitz, the glam, and the bright lights of the city, there's also something broken that needs to be fixed.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Vegas Life

Yes, I know. I am horrible at blogging, and I am sorry. However, I am loving Las Vegas. There are good points and bad points, but as a whole I am doing well. Nothing too exciting has happened, just teaching and living.

I love my school. I thought I would hate middle school and everyone prepared me for the worst. I LOVE it! My middle schoolers are a blast and they make me laugh everyday! They are just so much fun and I love teaching them. I am definitely enjoying being a middle school teacher.

Las Vegas is completely different than any other place I've ever lived. It has been a little rough adjusting. I miss Southerners. I miss the "personal connections" you can make with complete strangers, back home. I miss the sense of southern hospitality.

It is also very brown here. Don't get me wrong, Vegas is beautiful. I love driving up over a hill and being able to see the city lights and the Strip from miles and miles away. It is beautiful! And the mountains and desert are gorgeous too. However, it's too brown here. There is not enough green. I want grass! The front lawns here don't have grass, they have rocks. Rocks! Rock front yards. Some people have turf. It's insane. But like I said, still beautiful in its own right.

I just received a calling the other day and I'm excited to get involved with my ward and meet new people. So I'll keep you posted on how that goes!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Why I Want to Teach...

Today I rediscovered why I want to be a teacher. I want to be a teacher so that I can help kids know they are not alone in this world and they have someone who will stand behind them and support them 100% of the way. Today, my heart literally broke reading student responses to the following prompt: "If there is anything you could change about yourself, what would it be and why?" I got answers ranging from liking yourself for who you are, getting more motivation to do homework, losing weight to be prettier/better looking, getting the "right" (popular) clothes and looks so people will like you,all the way to the idea of not existing as not to annoy your family.

I couldn't help but cry. My second period probably thought I was crazy! Their responses further instilled in me why I chose the profession I did. If I can inspire one child to be the best they ultimately can be, and if I can instill in them the knowledge that they are worth something and can rise above the crappy life-road that has been laid in front of them, then I believe I will succeed as an educator. I only hope I can do it.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I'm Alive!

I promise that I am alive, made it to Vegas safely and am loving it here. More details to come soon, I hope. Our internet is horrible. I can barely get on the internet for more than 20 mins at a time. I promise I will update on the Vegas life very soon!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

One Week Left...

And the count down is on! I will be in Utah in exactly one week. It's kind of a bitter-sweet thing, but I'm looking forward to it. With every change in life comes new experiences and I am definitely ready for them. I welcome them! I am excited, but also extremely nervous about student teaching. I'll be teaching 7th and 8th grade Language Arts. I am actually really, really pumped about this! I think it'll be a blast, I'm just nervous about my teaching skills. I'll definitely keep you updated! Soon I'll have a more interesting post about my summer, but it is 1:04am here, so I'm headed to bed. Good night! :)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Recent Obsession

Liz's Confession #256: Yes, I am "one of those girls" who knows somewhat what she wants for her wedding even though she's no where close to getting married. :) And here is my recent obsession that I feel pretty confident will become permanent.

I have always wanted a pearl ring. I think they are gorgeous and so I'm kind of excited about this! I love it.

Anyway, I've got two weeks left at home and then off to Utah again! And after that...


Friday, July 16, 2010


May I just say, the past 2 weeks have been amazing! I told you I was going on vacation, but I didn't say where. I went to Idaho and Utah! :D And I loved every minute of it. Unfortunately, I was an idiot and didn't take a lot of pictures, but I can tell you about it.


First, me and MK landed in SLC at 8:45pm, but didn't get our luggage until 11:15pm. Then we drove up to Lewiston where my brother-in law's parents live and we slept in, get this.... an air stream! Haha. It was hysterical and a lot more comfortable than we were thinking it was going to be. Monday morning we woke up and went to the Lewiston Fourth of July (held on the 5th) Parade. Loved it! Lewiston is this tiny little town outside of Logan, but they had a pretty good parade! Then after we got cleaned up and showered I gave MK the Logan Grand Tour which included meeting my wonderful friend Brittany. I love this girl! She's going to have twins soon and I am so excited for her and was so glad to see her! Later that day we went back to Lewiston and caught a little bit of the rodeo (awesome!) and then went on to Rexburg!


So, about a week before I went out West, I told my roommate Gibby that I had sent her a birthday package and that my sister would be bringing it by Monday night. She said OK, so when me and MK got to the Burg I grabbed a box from my sister's apartment and we headed over to my old apartment. I knocked on the door and when Gibby opened the door everyone looked shocked. It was amazing! I had actually surprised them! I was for sure thinking they would find out or at least figure out I was coming. But no! I definitely cried. We sat and chatted for a little bit and it felt so good to back.

During our time there we saw a bunch of my friends, went to a play, I gave MK an unofficial BYU-I tour, we went to the temple, went to Monkey Rock, made a stop by Craigo's, and just hung out in the small town. It was great to be able to share a small piece of my personal heaven with someone else who has only heard about it and to be able to show her how much I truly love that place. It was also great to see the people I love so much. Gibby, Kim, Chelsea, Robin, Rachel, Jared, Irina, Emma, Becca, Ana Banana, Jamie, Amanda, Jacob, Nathan, Kimball, Ryan, Waldo, Heidi, my sister, and her husband, Bradley. For those of you I did not get to see or list, I still love you and I'll be back soon! Thank you to you all for making my trip to Rexburg that much better.


Party in P-town! OK, so not a huge party, but still a LOT of fun. We had to leave Rexburg earlier than planned, which ended up working out. So it was nice. MK just loved my grandma and Grandma loved MK! I love introducing my little British grandma to people because the woman is truly an amazing person with a huge heart. I love her so much and was so grateful that I got to see her.

When we reached Provo we realized we both needed the internet, badly. So Friday we went to the BYU Library where I unexpectedly saw my friend Matt (or Mattie) from back home. It was so great running into him! Later that night we met up with Nichole (love her!) and had frozen yogurt. I love seeing Nichole because we can always, without fail, talk for hours. Then on Saturday we went to Thanksgiving Point which I have tons of pictures of and will post soon. On Saturday we also went and saw "Eclipse" and I got to eat at the Mayan Adventure! What a neat place! I felt like I had watched into the old TV show "Legends of the Hidden Temple." It was crazy! Sunday we went to the local singles ward where again, completely random, saw the Snows (a family from my stake in GA)! They had just moved to UT and the Snow kids go to the singles ward. It was great seeing them too!

Monday we did laundry, packed, drove around in the mountains for a little bit, then headed up to SLC where we caught our flight very early the next morning. All in all, I am so glad i decided to go on this vacation. It was a much needed break that came at the right time. :)

Hopefully pictures of the parade and Thanksgiving Point will come soon. I need to catch up on loading my pictures.

Small little update: I leave for student teaching in less than a month! AGH! In a little while I'll be in Vegas student teaching. Oh my. I found out I'm teaching 7th and 8th grade. I am so excited! It will be such an exciting and new experience. I am definitely looking forward to it. :)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Life As I Know It

Hello blogging world! Happy Father's Day to all you fathers and future fathers out there! I hope ya'll are having a great day today.

Now for updates from "The Life of Liz." :)

My job is awesome. I could not have asked for a better summer so far. I have to say, the pool has definitely gone UP HILL since last summer. My lifeguards are so adorable and we have a ton of fun. I am officially "Mom" or "Ma" which is extremely funny, and the rest of the management team is a blast! I am so glad that we get along and work really well together.

I am officially a member of the Mountain Park Singles Branch. I am a member of a branch. A branch in which I drive 40-45 mins to get to church. I never thought that a) I'd be in a branch and b) I'd be driving more than 20 mins to get to church. I feel totally legit now! :D Weird, I know. But I love the branch. We have so many fun activities and I feel completely at home there. I've also met a lot of new people and it's definitely been a different, but great experience. I'm actually going to be sad to leave in August.

Vacation is in two weeks! I'll let you know where I am when I get there (And I'll explain this later...).

Swim lessons are hysterical, as always. I teach the cutest, craziest, most fun kids ever. This past session I had a brother and sister who wouldn't even put their chin in the water at the beginning of the session. By the end, they were both holding their breath (without holding their noses) and going under water for about 25 seconds. I was so excited for them! It was such a rewarding experience to help these kids overcome their fear of the water. I am in love with teaching.

I'm sick, nothing too big...it's just annoying. Lol.

I miss my sister and brother-in-law. Wait! Do say what?! That's right. I miss them.

On Monday, Mary Katherine and I will be going to visit Habersham County. Pretty excited, not gonna lie. MK just got a job teaching up there and we're going to take a look around. It's a pretty small county too. Apparently you can get from one end to the other in 20 mins or less. Depending on how many red lights you hit along the way. BUT, I've heard it's got some really cute, small-town life cities. So I'm kind of excited.

That's about it for me! I know it's not too exciting, but it's my life! We'll see you soon! :D

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mama said, "Home is where the heart is," when I left that town...

Due to extreme craziness that has been taking place for the past month, blogging has been placed on the back burner. However, due to thus said extreme craziness beginning to wind down, blogging has again become possible. :) [Has anyone else noticed how much of a weirdo and complete dork I am? Just checking. :)]

As you can tell by my status, I am home and no longer in "The Burg." At first it was not fun and definitely difficult to swallow. There was a lot of crazy things going on, like I said, and unfortunately a lot of drama that I wanted no part of. So about after a month of this, and after a month of hoping and praying things would magically get better, I decided to act and remove myself from the drama. Best decision. Ever. It is truly amazing how much the pettiness, meanness, and drama of others can affect someone else. What it can do to a person. It truly wears on you.

But right now, I can not complain. It's true when they say that which does not kill us makes us stronger. The pettiness and drama I mentioned earlier lead me to a few conclusions about certain things; conclusions I needed to come to. It forced me to think through things that I didn't want to think through. Unfortunately, the drama was needed; almost necessary. The outcome: a better perspective, a better handle on life in general, a sharper focus on the people that actually matter, and a re-dedication to being exactly who I want to be --- me. Since this wonderful epiphany, life has been infinitely happier and home has not been all that bad. :)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Having Faith When Things Don't Make Sense

Facebook and I have a love/hate relationship. I love keeping in touch with friends and looking at people's pictures, etc. But I hate the information I see, hear, or read sometimes. 5 minutes ago, I hated it. I read a conversation on my homepage between two people I wish I hadn't read and it made me question not only my decision to go home for the summer, but Heavenly Father as well. Note to everyone: Never question Him. Period. And even if you do, He'll send someone very soon to reassure you that He's right, and you just need to follow Him.

The other day I received an answer to many prayers. My answer was to go home. So today when I saw this conversation on Facebook, I burst into tears and said to myself, "Why? Why I am going home? Why should I go home? I want to know why I'm doing what I'm doing. I want to know why I'm following God's plan. I want to know that I'm going home for a purpose and I want to know what that purpose is!" Just as I started doubting, my roommate came home and asked me what was wrong. I told her everything I had just said to myself in my head, and this was her answer:

"Liz, when God told Noah to build an ark in the middle of Jerusalem, did it make sense?"
"When God told Nephi to go back and get the plates, risk their lives, all that jazz, did it make sense?"
"When God told Joseph Smith to restore the gospel and build up a church, did that make sense?"
"Sometimes God asks us to do things that don't make sense. He asks to do things we don't want to do. But we do them because we love Him. We do them because we know, and I know you know, that something bigger, greater, and better comes from it. Amazing stuff came from all those other things. Amazing things will come from going home, if you have faith that they will."

Yep. Heavenly Father knows EXACTLY what you need, when you need it. I need to have faith when things don't necessarily make sense. :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"I Was Here"

For a couple of years now I've had this insane desire to visit other countries and provide humanitarian aid. I want to go to places like Nicaragua, Africa, Central America, South America, wherever; and I've been thinking about it a lot lately. One day, I am going to go and do some work. I want to be a part of something huge that is beneficial to hundreds of people. Be it an ambassador, volunteer, coordinator, etc with some organization, I want to do it. I want to leave my mark, but more importantly I want to make a difference is someone else's life. I want to influence for good and I want to contribute portions of my time and life to helping others.

So in 2008 (during the Olympics) when I heard "I Was Here" by Lady Antebellum, I felt like my life's goal had just been put into song. I recently rediscovered the song in my i-Tunes library and have decided that it is the new theme song for my life. Here's the chorus:

I wanna do something that matters
Say something different
Something that sets the whole world on its ear
Wanna do something better
With the time I’ve been given
I wanna try
To touch a few hearts in this life
And leave nothing less than something that says
I was here

I absolutely love it. So here it is, my life's new theme song. :)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Words cannot express how grateful I am for the things I have in my life. The other day I was having interviews with the girls in my Relief Society and all of the sudden this huge surge of gratitude for them and who they are overcame me. It was was amazing. I cannot thank Heavenly Father enough for giving me this incredible opportunity.

Lately I have been having "life blues" where I just get sad about something that I don't have in my life right now. And every time it happens, I'm reminded just how much God loves me and I remember all the amazing things I do have and am grateful for. When I think of all the opportunities and all that I do have in my life, the "life blues" go away and I receive that little boost of encouragement to push on. So I wanted to make a little list of what I'm grateful for. :)

1. I am grateful for Brigham Young University - Idaho. It is truly an amazing school and my time here has been the best four years of my life up to this point.

2. I am grateful for having a job.

3. I am grateful for a family that love me and support me.

4. I am grateful for all the wonderful friends that I have who are a constant upliftment and joy in my life.

5. Ok, this one might not make any sense, but try to hear me out on this. I am grateful for all the friends I have who are getting married/are married and for those who are pregnant or have kids all ready. Why? Because I love seeing other people happy. Honestly, I thrive off of it. I cannot help but be happy when those around me are. I am SO happy that you are moving into that part of your lives, and I appreciate you letting me be a part of it. I cannot tell you how much it means to me that even though I have not reached that part in my life yet, you still love and include me in your lives. I love it and am so grateful. So, thank you. :)

6. I'm grateful for the gospel. Every little part of it. I'm grateful for the sweet peace it brings to my life when I am living they way I'm supposed to.

7. I'm grateful for my talents. They're all a work in progress, but I'm grateful that God has given me a way to express myself through music and photography.

8. I'm grateful for the little things in every day that bring a smile to face. It's all in the little things of life where I find my greatest joy.

9. I'm grateful for my car. Peter--- thank you for taking me everywhere. And yes, my car's name really is Peter. :)

10. I'm grateful for books and the ability to read. Without these two things, life would not be as fulfilling and enriching.

So, thank you. For everything.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Life is good and I can't complain...

Long time no see blogging world! How goes it? So as my title suggests, life is good and I can't complain. Well, let me rephrase. Life is good and I shouldn't complain. But yet, sometimes I do. School is great, today is my last day of practicum (tutoring high school freshmen in reading), I feel like things are going really well. The calling is great as well, and I have learned so much. I'm grateful that Heavenly Father gave me this opportunity.

Sometimes it does feel like there could be more. I know there can be. But for right now, I am content and happy with things. :) I try not to think about leaving school, which helps keep the "contentness" in full swing, but I know it's also a very exciting thing. So I'm trying to see the upside of life everyday.

Random thought: I just painted my finger nails. I never do that! Completely random, but fun. They're pink.

Other random thought: One week from today I will be in SLC and getting ready to leave for Georgia! It's my sister's bridal shower next weekend and I am so excited because I get to go home for a few days! All of my roommates have immediate family extremely close by. They drive 3-4 hours and boom, there's parents. And seeing as how I didn't go home for Christmas, I am ready to go to my southern home and see all those beautiful trees. Georgia- please be warm for me. I'm coming home!

Well I got to run and prepare for practicum. Love y'all and see ya later! :D

Friday, January 15, 2010

Life's Little Surprises

It's funny how life surprises you. Totally unexpected things happen, things you weren't planning on. And then you stand there thinking, "Wait...say what?!" And then it keeps rolling. I guess it was time for me to start experiencing the "roll with the punches attitude." But at the same time, that's why I love the Gospel. Because of the knowledge I have, I know that no matter what punches life throws, whether I get hit or dodge them, everything will work out. And that's nice to know. :)

Monday, January 4, 2010

A New Home and Starting Again

Hello world! It is officially the start of another semester, and my last at BYU-Idaho. Come September, I will be student teaching in Las Vegas. So it's something I've been thinking a lot about.

I've always liked change. Change is good, change is wise. And most of the time change brings you to bigger and better things (if not immediately, eventually). But I don't like this change. Rexburg has become home. When I left for school, I knew that I would always be coming back home (Georgia). I'd be back for Christmas and summer, and eventually for good. But when so much happens and changes your life in one world, that world becomes home to you. It's what you know, what you love, it's part of who you have become.

BYU-Idaho has played such a huge part in my life. I've had the most personal growth and the most spiritual growth as well. After awhile, it became a part of me. When people ask me where home is, I still stay Georgia because that is where I'm from. But when I go home, I tell people I'm just visiting, and I'll be leaving soon. I spend 6-7 months of my life here, and unlike in the beginning, it has grown on me. I never thought I'd say it, but I love Rexburg. :)

Like I said earlier, it's a new semester and I am so excited! I am taking really good classes, I have amazing roommates, and I just have this overall sense of "this semester is going to pretty much be awesome." So I'm really excited. I'll let you know how things go, and I look forward to blogging about it! One of the New Year's resolutions: Be a better blogger. Good luck to me! :P

PS- There are also a LOT of interesting things happening and coming up and going on, so you'll probably hear about it. And I look forward to telling you. :)

Wonderful married shenanigans and adventures. :)