It's that time of year again. Time to say goodbye to the year. I'm not gonna lie, these posts are one of my favorite! I rather enjoy writing these. :)
Dear 2012,
You have been such a great year! I have had a lot of fun! You started out with a bang, literally, when I broke my foot. And I know what you're thinking. Breaking your foot was fun? OK, so it wasn't "fun" in the traditional sense, but it was funny and once I learned to have a positive attitude about it, it was great! I had so many awesome experiences because of it. I now have permanent nicknames like "Speed Racer"
and "Scoot and Boot" and "Giddy-up Grandma." It's awesome! Was it frustrating at times? Absolutely. But it was great!
I started taking math classes through USU. What a challenge that has been! A challenge, but also a blessing because it is allowing me to teach math this year at my school. Again, VERY challenging, but it has proven to be a blessing, and I love it!
In June I was able to go to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple and receive my endowments. What a wonderful experience! My parents came to Utah to visit (and for the occasion) and I was able to be surrounded by family and friends. What a better way to spend a day in the summer!
The next big thing came when I moved from one side of the valley to the other. At first I was not so sure about how that was going to turn out, but it has also been fantastic! I have met so many new people, made wonderful friends, and have been given amazing opportunities to do really cool things! For example, I sang in the General Relief Society Conference Choir. I got to meet Sister Burton, the new General Relief Society president (granted, she is my stake president's wife), and her presidency. Again, I met new people and had an awesome spiritual experience. I also have been given the opportunity to work as a temple worker in the Salt Lake City Temple. I am so excited to continue working there!
The friends I have made are wonderful. Right after the move I felt very alone and had a really hard time adjusting. But then I met some amazing people and we have formed quite the group of friends, and I don't feel so alone anymore. Thanks, guys. :)
2012, this year has defnitely been the year of patience. From beginning to end, I have had lesson after lesson, and experience after experience that have required me to be patient and hold on. From my broken foot to work to dating to church to everything! I have been asked to be patient and hang on. And I have! I feel like I have anyway, and I have learned so much. I thank you for that.
Again, 2012, you have been a blast! I thank you for the good times and the challenges and the lessons you have taught me. In the end, every challenge has been a blessing and every lesson worth while. I am sad to see you go. But now, on to 2013. Typically every Friday the 13th is a great day for me! Let's see if the year of '13 is just as good! I will miss you, 2012. Thanks! :)
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Thoughts from an Eternal Optimist
It is my right to be an eternal optimist. Even though sometimes my continuous happy go-lucky attitude tends to aggravate people, I have to be optimistic. I have to have hope.
There have been so many times where I would have liked to say to myself, "Give up, Liz. Give in to disappointment. Forget your hope and walk away." However, if I did, every little ray of hopeful sunshine that makes me who I am would be gone. I've always been about hope. I've always been about optimism. I have always been motivated and determined. So what is it about life and love that makes man desire to abandon hope? On the other hand, what is it about life and love that makes me continuously hopeful?
I've been told by some that one of these days I'll wake up to reality and truly see how things are. If that's the case, I sure hope not. Let me be blissfully happy in my ignorance about pessimism, people! It is my hope that keeps me going. It is my hope and optimism that help me get through every day on my own. Don't take that away from me.
In the movie "A League of Their Own" Gina Davis' character is quitting the team (spoiler alert!), looks at Tom Hanks and says, "It just go too hard." In which Tom replies, "It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. It's the hard that makes it great." Life is supposed to be somewhat difficult. Life is supposed to be a little bit frustrating. But after much tribulation cometh the blessings! Don't give up simply because 'it just got too hard.'
The other day I was grading some math tests and as I was grading I kept thinking, "Liz, what made you think you could ever possibly be an effective math teacher? What were you thinking when you decided to take several math classes to be math endorsed, while teaching math and English, while doing everything else in life?" I was losing my optimism. I started grading a student's test who has some serious struggles in math. I was prepping myself for disappoint when I realized he had only missed one question on the test. I graded that same paper three more times to double check myself. Sure enough, he had only missed one. I was so excited! He received the highest grade in the class. And then it occurred to me: "This is why you teach math. This is why you decided to teach at all. So that you can make a difference. So quit whining and go do it." Optimism and hope restored.
However, sometimes with other things in life it's not that easy or simple. When things in life don't happen when we want or how we want, we tend to throw in the towel, call it quits, and walk away. I've tried. For the record, I epically fail at walking away and giving up. And I'll admit...sometimes it's really annoying, but sometimes it's 100% worth the lessons we learn and strength we gain. So many times I have tried dwelling in disappointment and bitter feelings. It doesn't last long. That's just not me. I'll say I'm calling it quits and two days later, if not two hours, I'm back in saddle ready to go. I have to be optimistic. I have to have hope. I have to be joyful. I think I'd go crazy if I wasn't.
I know I've said it before, but seeing other people makes me happy. I find so much joy in being a witness to the happiness of others. Knowing that they are able to partake and experience blessings that I so desperately want to have makes me happy because if they are seeking for those blessings just like me, then I know how much they've wanted it, and I'm happy they found it! Is that weird?
Anyway, those have been my thoughts for the past few months. It just took me a while to get it "honest to blog." And PS- if you can name that movie, you just became one of my favorite people. :) Just sayin'.
Funny Teacher/Student Thought for the Day:
Student 1: Miss A, you've got to be the swaggest teacher in this school!
Me: Swaggest, huh?
Student 2: Yeah, Miss A. You are totally boss.
Me: Whoa! Swag AND boss? Do you think I can handle that?
Student 1: Definitely. If not, I'll teach you.
Me: Alright. Rock on!
Now, I don't know the exact definitions they want to associate with those words, but it means I'm cool, right? ;)
There have been so many times where I would have liked to say to myself, "Give up, Liz. Give in to disappointment. Forget your hope and walk away." However, if I did, every little ray of hopeful sunshine that makes me who I am would be gone. I've always been about hope. I've always been about optimism. I have always been motivated and determined. So what is it about life and love that makes man desire to abandon hope? On the other hand, what is it about life and love that makes me continuously hopeful?
I've been told by some that one of these days I'll wake up to reality and truly see how things are. If that's the case, I sure hope not. Let me be blissfully happy in my ignorance about pessimism, people! It is my hope that keeps me going. It is my hope and optimism that help me get through every day on my own. Don't take that away from me.
In the movie "A League of Their Own" Gina Davis' character is quitting the team (spoiler alert!), looks at Tom Hanks and says, "It just go too hard." In which Tom replies, "It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. It's the hard that makes it great." Life is supposed to be somewhat difficult. Life is supposed to be a little bit frustrating. But after much tribulation cometh the blessings! Don't give up simply because 'it just got too hard.'
The other day I was grading some math tests and as I was grading I kept thinking, "Liz, what made you think you could ever possibly be an effective math teacher? What were you thinking when you decided to take several math classes to be math endorsed, while teaching math and English, while doing everything else in life?" I was losing my optimism. I started grading a student's test who has some serious struggles in math. I was prepping myself for disappoint when I realized he had only missed one question on the test. I graded that same paper three more times to double check myself. Sure enough, he had only missed one. I was so excited! He received the highest grade in the class. And then it occurred to me: "This is why you teach math. This is why you decided to teach at all. So that you can make a difference. So quit whining and go do it." Optimism and hope restored.
However, sometimes with other things in life it's not that easy or simple. When things in life don't happen when we want or how we want, we tend to throw in the towel, call it quits, and walk away. I've tried. For the record, I epically fail at walking away and giving up. And I'll admit...sometimes it's really annoying, but sometimes it's 100% worth the lessons we learn and strength we gain. So many times I have tried dwelling in disappointment and bitter feelings. It doesn't last long. That's just not me. I'll say I'm calling it quits and two days later, if not two hours, I'm back in saddle ready to go. I have to be optimistic. I have to have hope. I have to be joyful. I think I'd go crazy if I wasn't.
I know I've said it before, but seeing other people makes me happy. I find so much joy in being a witness to the happiness of others. Knowing that they are able to partake and experience blessings that I so desperately want to have makes me happy because if they are seeking for those blessings just like me, then I know how much they've wanted it, and I'm happy they found it! Is that weird?
Anyway, those have been my thoughts for the past few months. It just took me a while to get it "honest to blog." And PS- if you can name that movie, you just became one of my favorite people. :) Just sayin'.
Funny Teacher/Student Thought for the Day:
Student 1: Miss A, you've got to be the swaggest teacher in this school!
Me: Swaggest, huh?
Student 2: Yeah, Miss A. You are totally boss.
Me: Whoa! Swag AND boss? Do you think I can handle that?
Student 1: Definitely. If not, I'll teach you.
Me: Alright. Rock on!
Now, I don't know the exact definitions they want to associate with those words, but it means I'm cool, right? ;)
Monday, June 25, 2012
Lately life has been GREAT! It is the summer time and I am having a most fantabulous time with family and friends.
For starters, I can walk and I moved! Yup! I went from the west side of the valley to the east side. Don't judge me, people. And my roommates and I get along great! We have a blast in our townhouse.
I am also taking math classes from USU. I know! Crazy, right?! But next year, and from now on, every year, I will be teaching English and Math. Yowzzaa! That's quite a combination. But I am so excited for this. I was originally declared as a Math Ed major in college, but then switched to English. English has brought me a lot of joy, but I have also missed math. Again, crazy, right?! Who misses math??? I do. :) So this will definitely be an adventure...
I also had the amazing opportunity on June 20th to go through the Oquirrh Mountain Temple. My parents came to town and it was a wonderful experience! It is always so exciting to learn new things and to be able to draw closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I am so grateful for temples and the knowledge that families can be together forever.
I am starting to write a book! So fun! It's a dating book geared toward LDS girls/young women/singles/ whatever, and it's about the different lessons I have learned while dating and how they can apply these lessons. Kind of a "what I've learned and different tips and tricks to keep in mind while dating" book, also mixed in a lot with the gospel. I am so excited for this book! I have already started writing it, and I've gotten pretty far. It's cool because I feel really inspired and I just think it's a cool project! Hopefully you'll be able to see it while your perusing through Deseret Book in a a year or two...
I miss my students. Again, crazy. Do you see a pattern forming here? But I really do! Those kids brought so much laughter and joy and sometimes frustration to my life, but I love teaching and I love my school and my job! It's sad to not have to wake up for something every morning. Except your just waking up for you and cleaning the house and groceries and laundry and.....OK, so I guess I have things to wake up for. But they are not NEARLY as fun as teaching. ;)
Life has just been REALLY good. I have a great feeling that this is going to be an awesome year, despite the fact that I started it with a broken foot. I've just realized so many things lately about myself and life and the gospel. I truly believe there are reasons as to why I broke my foot. Yes, on the outside it sounds like a freak accident and it kind of was, but I don't think it was so much an accident as it was an avenue for me to continue to learn things and to humble myself. And yes, I've been dealing with personal trials lately and struggles and difficulties, but I am trying so hard to see them as more avenues to learning new things and bettering myself. Having this positive attitude has had a huge impact on my life. And most of the time, it is while you are living life that the most amazing things happen. :)
For starters, I can walk and I moved! Yup! I went from the west side of the valley to the east side. Don't judge me, people. And my roommates and I get along great! We have a blast in our townhouse.
I am also taking math classes from USU. I know! Crazy, right?! But next year, and from now on, every year, I will be teaching English and Math. Yowzzaa! That's quite a combination. But I am so excited for this. I was originally declared as a Math Ed major in college, but then switched to English. English has brought me a lot of joy, but I have also missed math. Again, crazy, right?! Who misses math??? I do. :) So this will definitely be an adventure...
I also had the amazing opportunity on June 20th to go through the Oquirrh Mountain Temple. My parents came to town and it was a wonderful experience! It is always so exciting to learn new things and to be able to draw closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I am so grateful for temples and the knowledge that families can be together forever.
I am starting to write a book! So fun! It's a dating book geared toward LDS girls/young women/singles/ whatever, and it's about the different lessons I have learned while dating and how they can apply these lessons. Kind of a "what I've learned and different tips and tricks to keep in mind while dating" book, also mixed in a lot with the gospel. I am so excited for this book! I have already started writing it, and I've gotten pretty far. It's cool because I feel really inspired and I just think it's a cool project! Hopefully you'll be able to see it while your perusing through Deseret Book in a a year or two...
I miss my students. Again, crazy. Do you see a pattern forming here? But I really do! Those kids brought so much laughter and joy and sometimes frustration to my life, but I love teaching and I love my school and my job! It's sad to not have to wake up for something every morning. Except your just waking up for you and cleaning the house and groceries and laundry and.....OK, so I guess I have things to wake up for. But they are not NEARLY as fun as teaching. ;)
Life has just been REALLY good. I have a great feeling that this is going to be an awesome year, despite the fact that I started it with a broken foot. I've just realized so many things lately about myself and life and the gospel. I truly believe there are reasons as to why I broke my foot. Yes, on the outside it sounds like a freak accident and it kind of was, but I don't think it was so much an accident as it was an avenue for me to continue to learn things and to humble myself. And yes, I've been dealing with personal trials lately and struggles and difficulties, but I am trying so hard to see them as more avenues to learning new things and bettering myself. Having this positive attitude has had a huge impact on my life. And most of the time, it is while you are living life that the most amazing things happen. :)
Friday, April 6, 2012
One of These Days
One of These Days...
-I'm going to know what that random sound is every night coming from upstairs at around 11:30.
-I will be walking again. YES!
-I will be able to play a song on my guitar without having to look and make sure I'm playing the correct chords.
-I will go to Egypt and Greece. Not in the same trip, mind you.
-I'll be able to go to England and see where my grandparents grew up.
-I will be able to join my friends in the "Married with Baby" ranks.
-I will run a 5K (Baby steps, people).
- I will own some kind of crossover vehicle.
-I will finish that quilt I started...
-I will be able to play my violin like I did in high school.
-I will find the perfect scare tactic for my eighth graders, because they've scared me so many times, it's my turn. :)
-I will be better at photography.
-I will not only just see the temple, but go inside.
-I will meet some famous person and have an awesome conversation with them lasting longer than five minutes.
-I will understand and be grateful for the trials placed in front of me.
-I will not be afraid of any and all dogs.
-I will read every book on my "to read" list on Goodreads.
-I will write a book or short story that could appear on someone's "to read" list on Goodreads.
-I will find something better to blog about. :)
Until next time!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
The foot is definitely healing! This is a blessing! I should be walking on April 9th. I will let you know if that happens. So far the doctor says I've been healing great, and things look good. This is excellent! Life is good.
I'm tired of the scooter though. It's appeal wore off after a month or so. A friend of mine from work said, "It's like it's a part of you now. It's just a part of your life, and you've come to accept it." And it's true. Honestly, other than the fact that it can be a pain in the butt sometimes, I don't think about it much anymore. It has become a part of daily life. So everyday, it's life. For the past three months. I still, however, very much look forward to walking. :)
I am also healing in other ways. Mainly emotionally. The past six months have been very emotionally draining from my personal life to church life to school life to home to health life to everything! It has just literally worn me out. But I can definitely see how I'm healing. Other than the foot, I am back to my normal self, still kickin', and still hangin' in there. It's amazing to look back on myself a year ago, and see how far I've come and the things I have accomplished and experienced!
As a part of this healing, I am also moving! Don't worry, I'm still going to live in Utah. But I am moving to the other side of the valley to a townhouse with two of my friends. Since January, I have felt that it is time to move and fully move on from things, and I feel more than ready for that! I am so glad we found this place! It is amazing! As soon as I move in, I'll post pictures. But I feel like it's a good chapter break. One chapter closes, and another one opens up to me. I'm nervous, but excited to read this one. It will be REALLY different, but I look forward to it. :)
Let the healing continue.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Saturday, January 28, 2012
You Have to Laugh About It
Holy cow, has life been crazy or what? But a good kind of crazy. Christmas at home was wonderful and was exactly what I needed. I felt rejuvenated coming home to Utah and was actually pretty glad to come back and continue on with life and a new year.
School began again and I love my students, so life was good. I turned 24 and don't feel a whole lot different. AND a week after my birthday...I broke my foot. For a single person, dang! My life is exciting! Last year, I kill my back. This year, I break my foot. Each year has got to start with something, right? :)
So I've just been hobbling around on crutches and an awesome knee scooter the hospital gave me for school. My students told me I needed to "pimp my ride," so I did! Picture below.
At first, I was kind of devastated in a sense. When the doctor told me my foot was broken, I looked at him and said, "Haha. No. It can't be. Nope. I'm a teacher. I have school! I have things to life! No...." Then the doctor laughed and said, "No matter how many times you say no, it's still going to be broken!" I just couldn't believe it. I was stunned. I've never broken a bone before. And it didn't hurt too bad. I was expecting excruciating pain that never came.
So they gave me all the stuff I needed and I went home. Up until this point I had not cried. I think I shed one tear after the doctor said it was broken, but other than that...nothing. I was pretty proud of myself! And then I got home and got tucked into bed (Thanks, Dawn!) and THEN I cried. However, I knew that crying would not make the situation better. My foot won't heal any faster and I just needed to get over it. So I did!
I decided to have fun with this! I told my kids a bunch of "stories" of how I broke my foot, instead of the lame truth of me working out and breaking it, let them write creative stories of how I broke my foot (ideas listed below), and I poked fun at myself and let the kids poke fun, too. You have to laugh about it! You have to have fun and find the silver lining in the cloud. So I am. And it has made this frustrating situation, not so frustrating. Keeping a positive outlook really does work! I feel happier because of it.
Also, feel free to come visit me anytime! I do get bored sometimes, so PLEASE stop by! Just give me a heads up, and all will be well. :)
Picture of the knee scooter all "pimped out" as my kids say. ;)

My kids' ideas of how I broke my foot:
1. I was fighting an epic battle against ninja assassins and while destroying them, broke my foot. Then I was greeted by a handsome super model, got married, and had three kids. Nice.
2. I jumped off my porch pretending to be Batman. (Eventually, due to word of mouth, this one morphed into Super Man.)
3. I was dancing with my (non-existent) boyfriend and broke my foot because he spun me around to0 fast.
4. I was, again, with my (non-existent) boyfriend and we were ice skating. I was attempting to show off by doing a "fast, spinny, thingy" and broke my foot. I was quite embarrassed and then he proposed to make me feel better. And then this student quickly added, "But he was going to propose anyway! So it's not just a pity-proposal! I promise!" Oh, I love them. :)
5. I was fighting ANOTHER epic battle between the Dark Force (Star Wars) and the Wizarding World (Harry Potter) and became injured trying to restore peace to the galaxy while bringing down Voldemort. Sorry, Luke and Harry, I win!
Good times in 8th grade.... :)
Monday, January 16, 2012
I'm Still Alive, I Promise.
I need to blog more. I just don't have the time today. Will blog soon. :)
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