Holy cow, has life been crazy or what? But a good kind of crazy. Christmas at home was wonderful and was exactly what I needed. I felt rejuvenated coming home to Utah and was actually pretty glad to come back and continue on with life and a new year.
School began again and I love my students, so life was good. I turned 24 and don't feel a whole lot different. AND a week after my birthday...I broke my foot. For a single person, dang! My life is exciting! Last year, I kill my back. This year, I break my foot. Each year has got to start with something, right? :)
So I've just been hobbling around on crutches and an awesome knee scooter the hospital gave me for school. My students told me I needed to "pimp my ride," so I did! Picture below.
At first, I was kind of devastated in a sense. When the doctor told me my foot was broken, I looked at him and said, "Haha. No. It can't be. Nope. I'm a teacher. I have school! I have things to do...in life! No...." Then the doctor laughed and said, "No matter how many times you say no, it's still going to be broken!" I just couldn't believe it. I was stunned. I've never broken a bone before. And it didn't hurt too bad. I was expecting excruciating pain that never came.
So they gave me all the stuff I needed and I went home. Up until this point I had not cried. I think I shed one tear after the doctor said it was broken, but other than that...nothing. I was pretty proud of myself! And then I got home and got tucked into bed (Thanks, Dawn!) and THEN I cried. However, I knew that crying would not make the situation better. My foot won't heal any faster and I just needed to get over it. So I did!
I decided to have fun with this! I told my kids a bunch of "stories" of how I broke my foot, instead of the lame truth of me working out and breaking it, let them write creative stories of how I broke my foot (ideas listed below), and I poked fun at myself and let the kids poke fun, too. You have to laugh about it! You have to have fun and find the silver lining in the cloud. So I am. And it has made this frustrating situation, not so frustrating. Keeping a positive outlook really does work! I feel happier because of it.
Also, feel free to come visit me anytime! I do get bored sometimes, so PLEASE stop by! Just give me a heads up, and all will be well. :)
Picture of the knee scooter all "pimped out" as my kids say. ;)

My kids' ideas of how I broke my foot:
1. I was fighting an epic battle against ninja assassins and while destroying them, broke my foot. Then I was greeted by a handsome super model, got married, and had three kids. Nice.
2. I jumped off my porch pretending to be Batman. (Eventually, due to word of mouth, this one morphed into Super Man.)
3. I was dancing with my (non-existent) boyfriend and broke my foot because he spun me around to0 fast.
4. I was, again, with my (non-existent) boyfriend and we were ice skating. I was attempting to show off by doing a "fast, spinny, thingy" and broke my foot. I was quite embarrassed and then he proposed to make me feel better. And then this student quickly added, "But he was going to propose anyway! So it's not just a pity-proposal! I promise!" Oh, I love them. :)
5. I was fighting ANOTHER epic battle between the Dark Force (Star Wars) and the Wizarding World (Harry Potter) and became injured trying to restore peace to the galaxy while bringing down Voldemort. Sorry, Luke and Harry, I win!
Good times in 8th grade.... :)
1 comment:
Got to watch out for those boyfriends! Perfect reason not to be dating! :P
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