Monday, June 25, 2012


Lately life has been GREAT! It is the summer time and I am having a most fantabulous time with family and friends.

For starters, I can walk and I moved! Yup! I went from the west side of the valley to the east side. Don't judge me, people. And my roommates and I get along great! We have a blast in our townhouse.

I am also taking math classes from USU. I know! Crazy, right?! But next year, and from now on, every year, I will be teaching English and Math. Yowzzaa! That's quite a combination. But I am so excited for this. I was originally declared as a Math Ed major in college, but then switched to English. English has brought me a lot of joy, but I have also missed math. Again, crazy, right?! Who misses math??? I do. :) So this will definitely be an adventure...

I also had the amazing opportunity on June 20th to go through the Oquirrh Mountain Temple. My parents came to town and it was a wonderful experience! It is always so exciting to learn new things and to be able to draw closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I am so grateful for temples and the knowledge that families can be together forever.

I am starting to write a book! So fun! It's a dating book geared toward LDS girls/young women/singles/ whatever, and it's about the different lessons I have learned while dating and how they can apply these lessons. Kind of a "what I've learned and different tips and tricks to keep in mind while dating" book, also mixed in a lot with the gospel. I am so excited for this book! I have already started writing it, and I've gotten pretty far. It's cool because I feel really inspired and I just think it's a cool project! Hopefully you'll be able to see it while your perusing through Deseret Book in a a year or two...

I miss my students. Again, crazy. Do you see a pattern forming here? But I really do! Those kids brought so much laughter and joy and sometimes frustration to my life, but I love teaching and I love my school and my job! It's sad to not have to wake up for something every morning. Except your just waking up for you and cleaning the house and groceries and laundry and.....OK, so I guess I have things to wake up for. But they are not NEARLY as fun as teaching. ;)

Life has just been REALLY good. I have a great feeling that this is going to be an awesome year, despite the fact that I started it with a broken foot. I've just realized so many things lately about myself and life and the gospel. I truly believe there are reasons as to why I broke my foot. Yes, on the outside it sounds like a freak accident and it kind of was, but I don't think it was so much an accident as it was an avenue for me to continue to learn things and to humble myself. And yes, I've been dealing with personal trials lately and struggles and difficulties, but I am trying so hard to see them as more avenues to learning new things and bettering myself. Having this positive attitude has had a huge impact on my life. And most of the time, it is while you are living life that the most amazing things happen. :)

1 comment:

Brooke Smith said...

Wow! You're so cool!!!! :)

Wonderful married shenanigans and adventures. :)