Tuesday, December 9, 2008
It's the most wonderful time of the year...
Hooray for updating blogs! Woo hoo. So I only have three more days of school left. I am SOO excited! I am ready to go home and see my family. Thanksgiving break was amazing and I had so much fun. It was so nice to see my family and friends in Provo/Salt Lake. My uncle and I even had a mini guitar "jam session." I was horrible, but it was fun. It was just so nice to be with family. It made me realize how much I love my family and how important they are. I didn't get to spend it with my parents and sister, but that's ok. I had fun with my extended fam. It was hard coming back to school, but it had to be done and I have been working so hard. Hopefully all that work will pay off and will show in the grading area (Please, please, please!). It finally snowed! CRAZY! I can't believe it hasn't snowed till now. By this time last year we had almost 3-4 feet! I just hope the weather isn't too horrible for traveling this weekend. We'll see! Finals are almost here, and I gotta get studying. Love ya'll! See home soon!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Updates and photos...
Wow! I can't believe it has been over a month since I have written in this thing! Let's play catch up!
For starters, Ultimate Frisbee season finished on Saturday and I had such a good time working the games. The teams are really competitive which made for some good injuries (broken collar bone, broken foot, busted nose, etc) but it was so much fun. There were a couple people I had to bandage up and all that weren't all that great to work on because of their attitude, etc but for the majority I had such a good time.
School is crazier than I thought it would be. I am CRAMMING to read books for YA Lit class and I'm just trying to stay on top of things. The semester has gone by SO fast! Next week is Thanksgiving break, and then after that we only have two more weeks of school and then we're done! AGH! Sometimes I think it goes by too fast, but I am sortof ready for it to be done, and to be able to go home.
Rachel comes home from her mission in one week and a day! I am so excited to be able to talk to her! I won't get to see her till Christmas break, but that's ok. That's another reason I am so ready to be home. Plus, see everyone else as well.
So I've never posted pictures on my blog before, so I hope these turn out ok. I'm really trying to get into photography and possibly start my own little side business which I think would be awesome! Like doing engagements, graduation pics, etc. This bunch isn't even half of the stuff I've taken and experimented with but these are the most recent and to upload the others would probably take WAY too much time! I hope this works! Hopefully there will be more to come as well. (P.S. - all editing was done at picnik.com; I love this site! You can do all sorts of cool things with your pictures! Check it out!)
These are pictures of my roomate Bethany, her family, and our neighbors! I also one from a friend's wedding, and a couple others that I just felt like playing around with.

Monday, October 6, 2008
Random Things...
Yay for finding a job! So I am officially an "Ultimate Frisbee Manager." Pretty much, I set up the field and provide first aid to any injured player. It doesn't sound exciting, but it is! I like it and it's nice to watch the games too. Except for some annoying fans, I like it! And the schedule is amazing too. So it's nice.
School is starting to wind down in craziness, but it keeps me on my toes too. I love school. Sad, I know, but I do. Tonight our ward is having a special FHE with President Clark and his wife. I am so excited! I love listening to them speak. This is my third FHE with them, which apparently is very rare. Some students are lucky to have one! So I feel extremely blessed.
Even though I enjoy school, I cannot wait for the semester to be over because then I can see my sister! She is coming home from her mission two days before Thanksgiving and I am oh SO excited to see her! Woo Hoo! I am definately looking forward to Christmas this year. :)
For my young adult literature class we are required to read 25 books this semster. So far, I have read 6, I think. Pretty close to that anyways. At first I was booking it through but now things have started to slow down and I have to read 13 total by the 13th. AGH! Craziness! So it looks like I am in for some hard core reading marathon's this week. But as I read these books, I thought I could put in my blog one's I liked or hear about from someone else, because other's might like some good reading material or whatever. I don't have any books right now, but I do have a movie to share. It's called "Bella." It was beautiful! It's about how one moment in someone's life can significantly change a person's future. There are two main characters and the movie covers a single day in their life and portrays where their life was, where it is now, and what it will be like. It is also about love, forgivness, and family. I know I don't give the best description, but you can IMDB it if you want. It was REALLY good and I recommend it!
Much homework to do and little time to do it. See ya!
Much Love. Liz
School is starting to wind down in craziness, but it keeps me on my toes too. I love school. Sad, I know, but I do. Tonight our ward is having a special FHE with President Clark and his wife. I am so excited! I love listening to them speak. This is my third FHE with them, which apparently is very rare. Some students are lucky to have one! So I feel extremely blessed.
Even though I enjoy school, I cannot wait for the semester to be over because then I can see my sister! She is coming home from her mission two days before Thanksgiving and I am oh SO excited to see her! Woo Hoo! I am definately looking forward to Christmas this year. :)
For my young adult literature class we are required to read 25 books this semster. So far, I have read 6, I think. Pretty close to that anyways. At first I was booking it through but now things have started to slow down and I have to read 13 total by the 13th. AGH! Craziness! So it looks like I am in for some hard core reading marathon's this week. But as I read these books, I thought I could put in my blog one's I liked or hear about from someone else, because other's might like some good reading material or whatever. I don't have any books right now, but I do have a movie to share. It's called "Bella." It was beautiful! It's about how one moment in someone's life can significantly change a person's future. There are two main characters and the movie covers a single day in their life and portrays where their life was, where it is now, and what it will be like. It is also about love, forgivness, and family. I know I don't give the best description, but you can IMDB it if you want. It was REALLY good and I recommend it!
Much homework to do and little time to do it. See ya!
Much Love. Liz
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Back to School
So I'm officially back in the Burg. Life is good. :) School is definately keeping me really busy and things can be a little crazy from time to time. But I love it and things will calm down, I'm sure. I'm also looking for a job which has been somewhat of a trial. Again though, things are starting to look up and it might just happen! Not a whole to say, but I'm sure more will come!
Monday, April 21, 2008
So I've been home for about a week and a day now. It's been nice to relax and sleep in (WAY in...) and to just hang out but I'm kind of ready to get to work now. I'm ready to get back on a steady schedule and I need to be waking up earlier anyways. :P But that also involves going to bed earlier which I am not so good at. Even though the time difference is only two hours, my body is having a hard time adjusting to the difference. And I've been feeling really sick too. Hopefully this will all pass soon. I'm tired of being bored. Lol. But I know that in about a month or so, I'll be thinking, "I want a break!!!" Gotta find the middle ground.
I haven't even been home that long and I kind of want to be back at school. I left lots of really good friends behind this year and I want to go back to classes (crazy, yes.) I miss the atmosphere and everything. But home is nice too.
On Sunday I got to substitute in primary and I did singing time. It was so much fun. I love those kids! They are so cute! It was just fun to be working with kids again and it was pretty good practice considering teaching will be my career for a little while. I graduate in two years, I am SOO excited. I was thinking about it the other day and I just couldn't help but be excited to start that chapter of my life even though it is two whole years away. I'm still looking forward to it. It's gonna be rough though. Definately NOT easy with my classes and all. I'll be getting into the hardcore classes for my major. I gotta kick it into high gear!
I haven't even been home that long and I kind of want to be back at school. I left lots of really good friends behind this year and I want to go back to classes (crazy, yes.) I miss the atmosphere and everything. But home is nice too.
On Sunday I got to substitute in primary and I did singing time. It was so much fun. I love those kids! They are so cute! It was just fun to be working with kids again and it was pretty good practice considering teaching will be my career for a little while. I graduate in two years, I am SOO excited. I was thinking about it the other day and I just couldn't help but be excited to start that chapter of my life even though it is two whole years away. I'm still looking forward to it. It's gonna be rough though. Definately NOT easy with my classes and all. I'll be getting into the hardcore classes for my major. I gotta kick it into high gear!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Getting Home
Getting home has been a complete nightmare. No joke. We left Thursday afternoon at about 12:30 and we were planning on driving all the way to Cheyenne. We only got to Laramie because we were driving in the middle of a snowstorm/blizzard. It was definately not fun. We tried to go all the way to Cheyenne, but they blocked the road to Cheyenne and if we wanted to go back to Rawlins we wouldn't be able to because they blocked those roads too. So pretty much we were locked in. Then today we're driving and at first it wasn't good because there was still tons of snow and tons, TONS of wind. But things cleared up and got better. So tonight we decided to stop because we were pretty tired and when we went into the Super 8 they said they couldn't give us room because of age. I was so mad considering it was almost midnight. Then we went to another hotel and it's working out pretty good. It's just been long and tiring and the weather is no bueno. We'll see how tomorrow goes because we are traveling through Tennessee where the weather has not been so great. We'll see!
Other than that me and Amanda can not wait to come home. We are so excited and keep talking about all the things we're going to do once we get there. Yay for being home with family and friends. :)
Other than that me and Amanda can not wait to come home. We are so excited and keep talking about all the things we're going to do once we get there. Yay for being home with family and friends. :)
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Almost There and Getting Sick Doing It
I have one week left of school and then I'm done! One week from tomorrow and I get to go home. YES! So me and Amanda are not going to Cali. That's ok though. We both decided that we would rather go home. We are both sick and tired of being sick and tired (Haha...I think I'm funny...)and so we're headed home. I'm really happy about that because I have been sick for almost 2 weeks now. I HATE the health center. It just feels like everytime I go, I have to go back again because they didn't help me the first time. Yuck. Let me give you a little history: before my surgery this past summer I would get 4-5 sinus infections a year. I was pretty much on antibiotics and steroids all year round. So I know when I have an infection. I went to the HC last monday and when I was talking to the doctor I told her my history and all and said, "I'm pretty sure it's a sinus infection or something. But I know it's not just a cold." She checked me out and said, "Get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids." That's it? That's it?!?! I was none too thrilled with this. So I left and did exactlty what she told me to and I got worse. So I went back last Thursday and saw a different doctor. I told him what happened, he looks down my throat and says, "Yep. It's an infection all right. I'll get you some antibiotics." THANK YOU!!!! I was like, why couldn't they just do that on monday? My symptoms were no different, just a little worse. Frustration....
So now I'm on meds and things are good. I'm feeling a littler bit better. I just want to be better for when we drive across the country to get home. That would be awesome.
So now I'm on meds and things are good. I'm feeling a littler bit better. I just want to be better for when we drive across the country to get home. That would be awesome.
Friday, March 21, 2008
3 more weeks...3 more weeks...
I just have to keep telling myself that. Only three more weeks of school and then I'm done. Thank goodness. I've already found a job too so that's good. I'm really excited about it actually. It'll be something new and exciting so we'll see.
Yesterday I had a small little rehearsal/practice with six other girls for choir stuff and I was really proud of myself. At first I was really nervous and didn't want to like, sing out but then I loosened up and pulled it together. I have come along way in singing and I'm thinking of taking lessons here at school in the fall if I have time. My teacher told all of us that we should all try out for the womens audition choir here on campus. I was like, "Are you kidding me???" But she said that we have all come along way and that I specifically just need to let go of my nerves and trust myself. I was pretty excited. She's so supportive and is an awesome professor/director. We have a Temple celebration concert on April 3rd and I'm really excited. It's going to be really good and all of the choirs are singing.
Work is working out pretty well. I really like the people I work with and the environment and all. I'm actually kinda bummed out to leave. But I'm also really happy to be going home too!
Amanda and I are going to California after school and I am SOOOOO PUMPED! We're going to the beach and doing all sorts of stuff in Cali and on the way home I get to see my sister! She got permission from her mission president and we are taking she and her companion to lunch. I am way excited! I haven't seen her since Juneish? And I kind of miss her. So I am really excited to see her. It'll be fun. But the most "interesting" part of going to California (I guess you could say...) is the drive back. Me and Amanda are driving literally from coast to coast. It'll be awesome. I think. :)
Well I'm really excited to be coming home. I just need to remember to keep working hard and to get through it. I've almost given up on some classes which is not good at all. Because my grades show it. So now it's crunch time. Wonderful. See ya! :)
Yesterday I had a small little rehearsal/practice with six other girls for choir stuff and I was really proud of myself. At first I was really nervous and didn't want to like, sing out but then I loosened up and pulled it together. I have come along way in singing and I'm thinking of taking lessons here at school in the fall if I have time. My teacher told all of us that we should all try out for the womens audition choir here on campus. I was like, "Are you kidding me???" But she said that we have all come along way and that I specifically just need to let go of my nerves and trust myself. I was pretty excited. She's so supportive and is an awesome professor/director. We have a Temple celebration concert on April 3rd and I'm really excited. It's going to be really good and all of the choirs are singing.
Work is working out pretty well. I really like the people I work with and the environment and all. I'm actually kinda bummed out to leave. But I'm also really happy to be going home too!
Amanda and I are going to California after school and I am SOOOOO PUMPED! We're going to the beach and doing all sorts of stuff in Cali and on the way home I get to see my sister! She got permission from her mission president and we are taking she and her companion to lunch. I am way excited! I haven't seen her since Juneish? And I kind of miss her. So I am really excited to see her. It'll be fun. But the most "interesting" part of going to California (I guess you could say...) is the drive back. Me and Amanda are driving literally from coast to coast. It'll be awesome. I think. :)
Well I'm really excited to be coming home. I just need to remember to keep working hard and to get through it. I've almost given up on some classes which is not good at all. Because my grades show it. So now it's crunch time. Wonderful. See ya! :)
Friday, March 14, 2008
I am so excited it's Friday! Thank goodness! I've had a busy week but I've also got a busy weekend up ahead too. Work is working out pretty well and I really enjoy the people I work with. They're pretty nice. So in Physical Science today (right now actually...) we are having a talent show. We have some pretty awesome talent not gonna lie. The cutest one so far was that Brother Weyland's daughter (who is the class) and his grandaughter who is like 4 or 5 sang Taylor Swift's "Tear Drops On My Guitar." It was the cutest thing I have ever seen. I love it.
So tomorrow is going to be crazy too! I've got so much going on! I have choir stuff in the morning, my friend Cristiano is coming up from Provo, I'm taking my roommates graduation pictures, and then Guitars Unplugged which is about the best thing ever. I'm really excited. But I'm exhausted too.
So tomorrow is going to be crazy too! I've got so much going on! I have choir stuff in the morning, my friend Cristiano is coming up from Provo, I'm taking my roommates graduation pictures, and then Guitars Unplugged which is about the best thing ever. I'm really excited. But I'm exhausted too.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Not only am I going to school, but I am working too. 27 hours a week infact. So pretty much I have two fulltime jobs, school and work. Somewhere in there I need a life too. But where?
Monday, March 10, 2008
Nearing the End of School...
It's getting a lot closer to the end of school now and I'm pretty excited. We have about 5 weeks left. Then after that it's off to California and then home. I'm pretty pumped. Things have been really crazy though. I'm going to school full time ofcourse, but I also picked up a job too. I'm working as a lifeguard and swim instructor 4 days a week. So needless to say...it's wearing me out but it's fun. We had a choir concert last week and that was cool. Everyone said we did a really good job and looked nice. So I was happy. Something exciting that happened to me....part of my hair is orange. Yep, orange. I went and got an all over dye and then some red pieces put in. Well, it started to fade and when it mixed in with the chlorene from work, it turned orange. It's kinda funny actually. I'll be sure to take pictures and show you. But at the end of the semester I plan on dying it back to a more el natural color. :) Oh, I almost forgot. The place where I go to school is under a flood alert. The snow might be melting to fast and since we are at the bottom of a hill we might be flooded. But I doubt it. But it's the most exciting news around here. And I might be working as a "bug girl" this summer. Still looking into it. We'll see. Anyways, got to run to class. See ya.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Choir and Kirby Heybourne
So I am very excited because it is getting warmer everyday and everything is beginning melt! I can not wait for Spring to come and then for the semester to be over so I can go home for the break. All of this sun is making me think of home. :)
In choir we are singing a song called "There Is Sweet Music Here" and towards the end there is a solo part and audtions were today after class. If any of you know me, you know that I do NOT sing by myself in public. Even one on one, mano a mano, etc. Maybe if I'm being funny or something but never seriously. I don't sing, I can't sing. :) Well, anyways...my friend Whitney and I were just hanging around after class because we wanted to listen to everyone trying out. Everyone was done, and we are about to leave when our choir teacher Zoe asked us if we were trying out. I started to laugh and said no thanks. Then Zoe said that she really wanted to hear us sing and I proceeded to tell her, "I don't sing." "You're in choir, but you don't sing? That's a concept!" She laughed and then had me and Whitney try out. I was SOOO nervous. This is going to sound weird, but my stomach was shaking. Suprisingly I did not break any glass and no one's ear drums were shattered or hurt, so I think I did ok! :) Let you know how that turns out...
More exciting new: Kirby Heybourne was here today!!!! He has a concert here tonight and he was in the bookstore today. I walked past the bookstore three times today and he wasn't there once! But I guess he was there when I was in class or something. I met him last year so no big deal, but I really wanted to meet him again.
In choir we are singing a song called "There Is Sweet Music Here" and towards the end there is a solo part and audtions were today after class. If any of you know me, you know that I do NOT sing by myself in public. Even one on one, mano a mano, etc. Maybe if I'm being funny or something but never seriously. I don't sing, I can't sing. :) Well, anyways...my friend Whitney and I were just hanging around after class because we wanted to listen to everyone trying out. Everyone was done, and we are about to leave when our choir teacher Zoe asked us if we were trying out. I started to laugh and said no thanks. Then Zoe said that she really wanted to hear us sing and I proceeded to tell her, "I don't sing." "You're in choir, but you don't sing? That's a concept!" She laughed and then had me and Whitney try out. I was SOOO nervous. This is going to sound weird, but my stomach was shaking. Suprisingly I did not break any glass and no one's ear drums were shattered or hurt, so I think I did ok! :) Let you know how that turns out...
More exciting new: Kirby Heybourne was here today!!!! He has a concert here tonight and he was in the bookstore today. I walked past the bookstore three times today and he wasn't there once! But I guess he was there when I was in class or something. I met him last year so no big deal, but I really wanted to meet him again.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
First Blog...
Hey everyone! So this is my first time blogging. It's kind of exciting not gonna lie. :) I debated getting one for the longest time, but I finally talked myself into it. I'll try to post interesting pictures and things as time moves on. I've got a lot of big things and plans coming up.
Today I sang in our school's devotional with my choir class. It was pretty exciting. My face was broadcasted all over campus! Hope I looked ok! If not, too late now! It's also getting warmer here in "the Berg." I can't wait for Spring because hopefully that means no more snow. And that is always a good thing. This Georgia peach can only take so much snow and ice.
Well, that's my first blog! Not too exciting, but keep checking back. You never know when I might get exciting! :)
Today I sang in our school's devotional with my choir class. It was pretty exciting. My face was broadcasted all over campus! Hope I looked ok! If not, too late now! It's also getting warmer here in "the Berg." I can't wait for Spring because hopefully that means no more snow. And that is always a good thing. This Georgia peach can only take so much snow and ice.
Well, that's my first blog! Not too exciting, but keep checking back. You never know when I might get exciting! :)
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