Wow! I can't believe it has been over a month since I have written in this thing! Let's play catch up!
For starters, Ultimate Frisbee season finished on Saturday and I had such a good time working the games. The teams are really competitive which made for some good injuries (broken collar bone, broken foot, busted nose, etc) but it was so much fun. There were a couple people I had to bandage up and all that weren't all that great to work on because of their attitude, etc but for the majority I had such a good time.
School is crazier than I thought it would be. I am CRAMMING to read books for YA Lit class and I'm just trying to stay on top of things. The semester has gone by SO fast! Next week is Thanksgiving break, and then after that we only have two more weeks of school and then we're done! AGH! Sometimes I think it goes by too fast, but I am sortof ready for it to be done, and to be able to go home.
Rachel comes home from her mission in one week and a day! I am so excited to be able to talk to her! I won't get to see her till Christmas break, but that's ok. That's another reason I am so ready to be home. Plus, see everyone else as well.
So I've never posted pictures on my blog before, so I hope these turn out ok. I'm really trying to get into photography and possibly start my own little side business which I think would be awesome! Like doing engagements, graduation pics, etc. This bunch isn't even half of the stuff I've taken and experimented with but these are the most recent and to upload the others would probably take WAY too much time! I hope this works! Hopefully there will be more to come as well. (P.S. - all editing was done at; I love this site! You can do all sorts of cool things with your pictures! Check it out!)
These are pictures of my roomate Bethany, her family, and our neighbors! I also one from a friend's wedding, and a couple others that I just felt like playing around with.

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