Monday, April 21, 2008


So I've been home for about a week and a day now. It's been nice to relax and sleep in (WAY in...) and to just hang out but I'm kind of ready to get to work now. I'm ready to get back on a steady schedule and I need to be waking up earlier anyways. :P But that also involves going to bed earlier which I am not so good at. Even though the time difference is only two hours, my body is having a hard time adjusting to the difference. And I've been feeling really sick too. Hopefully this will all pass soon. I'm tired of being bored. Lol. But I know that in about a month or so, I'll be thinking, "I want a break!!!" Gotta find the middle ground.

I haven't even been home that long and I kind of want to be back at school. I left lots of really good friends behind this year and I want to go back to classes (crazy, yes.) I miss the atmosphere and everything. But home is nice too.

On Sunday I got to substitute in primary and I did singing time. It was so much fun. I love those kids! They are so cute! It was just fun to be working with kids again and it was pretty good practice considering teaching will be my career for a little while. I graduate in two years, I am SOO excited. I was thinking about it the other day and I just couldn't help but be excited to start that chapter of my life even though it is two whole years away. I'm still looking forward to it. It's gonna be rough though. Definately NOT easy with my classes and all. I'll be getting into the hardcore classes for my major. I gotta kick it into high gear!

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