Tomorrow morning at 6 am another journey across the country will begin! I am packed, the tank is full, got my Dasani ready (this is a Liz tradition), got my map (That's right. No GPS. An actual map.), and I am good to go! I have actually driven this route more times than I can remember. We've been taking it since I was 8. So needless to say, I know where I'm going, but my Dad and I like to quiz each other on the state capitals and nicknames and I can't do that without a map. Yes, we're nerds.
I love driving. I really do. I just find some kind of comfort in driving and I actually have this secret dream of being a stunt driver. Anyway...I am very excited to have my dad with me on this trip. I have made the trip by myself, with my sister and brother-in-law, with my friend Nichole, with my mom, and with my dad.
We have a lot of fun. My dad is a lot like me sometimes. We want to get there. No stops, just go. Get there. But sometimes we do like to stop and look at something or visit some place. My dad also likes to quiz me on my "film score" knowledge. Here's the story. Me and my dad both love film/movie scores. We love listening to instrumental music and his collection is insane! He has so much music from The City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra, that it would take a day or two to listen to all of it. It makes me insanely jealous. Every trip he'll make a new mix and play it in the car. And I have to guess what movie the song comes from or what the title of the song is. Then we rehash our favorite parts of the movie, favorite lines, etc. And then he gives me the mix.
We talk movies. Music. What it was like for him growing up. Stories from his mission (the BEST). College. He asks me questions about anything and everything. I love it.
We also very good, deep, gospel discussions. The plethora of knowledge my dad has about the church and the gospel is amazing to me. My dad hasn't always been a member. He joined the church when he was 19. But he can quote something from every single prophet and a lot of general authorities. He can tell you what the talk was called and when it was given. He knows the scriptures better than anyone I've ever met and when you ask him a gospel question, he can walk over to our "church bookshelf," pull a book from the 30 that are there, and flip to the exact page to find the answer. It never ceases to amaze me.
Most girls want to grow up to be like their moms. And I do, too. But I also want to grow up to be like my dad. If I can grow up to be like both of them, then I think I'll be happy.
All in all, I'm looking forward to this trip! And I am even more excited to see this...

and this...
1 comment:
I only like Utah in the spring and summer lol :) be safe and have fun! :)
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