Monday, January 4, 2010

A New Home and Starting Again

Hello world! It is officially the start of another semester, and my last at BYU-Idaho. Come September, I will be student teaching in Las Vegas. So it's something I've been thinking a lot about.

I've always liked change. Change is good, change is wise. And most of the time change brings you to bigger and better things (if not immediately, eventually). But I don't like this change. Rexburg has become home. When I left for school, I knew that I would always be coming back home (Georgia). I'd be back for Christmas and summer, and eventually for good. But when so much happens and changes your life in one world, that world becomes home to you. It's what you know, what you love, it's part of who you have become.

BYU-Idaho has played such a huge part in my life. I've had the most personal growth and the most spiritual growth as well. After awhile, it became a part of me. When people ask me where home is, I still stay Georgia because that is where I'm from. But when I go home, I tell people I'm just visiting, and I'll be leaving soon. I spend 6-7 months of my life here, and unlike in the beginning, it has grown on me. I never thought I'd say it, but I love Rexburg. :)

Like I said earlier, it's a new semester and I am so excited! I am taking really good classes, I have amazing roommates, and I just have this overall sense of "this semester is going to pretty much be awesome." So I'm really excited. I'll let you know how things go, and I look forward to blogging about it! One of the New Year's resolutions: Be a better blogger. Good luck to me! :P

PS- There are also a LOT of interesting things happening and coming up and going on, so you'll probably hear about it. And I look forward to telling you. :)

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Liz! Good luck with your final semester! We should hang out sometime since I don't think we actually have any classes together this semester. It's interesting that you brought this whole topic up because I've been thinking about it too. This is my last semester as well, and although I'm happy to be moving on from Rexburg and to other things, it does kind of seem like I have to say goodbye to a piece of myself (more like the people, experiences, etc). Best of luck!

Wonderful married shenanigans and adventures. :)