Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Falling vs springing with the changes...

April is almost here and even though Rexburg weather doesn't show it, it's Spring time. So this is the time where we "spring forward" into action and "spring" into change. But all I want to do is fall back and stay here. I normally LOVE change. Those of you who know me, know that I change my hair color and style all the time! I am so willing to try new things and do things differently. But lately I don't want things to change. The biggest change is that I will be going home to Georgia. Disclaimer: I love Georgia, I love my family, I love my home ward, I love my friends. BUT... I want to stay in Rexburg. I'm not ready to leave. This is a first for me, I've always been ready and have wanted to go home. But there is something this year that is calling me to stay. But unfortunately, I can't, and I know that. I have to go home.

And don't get me wrong; I am looking forward to seeing my family, friends, etc. It's just harder this year to actually leave "the Burg." Maybe you graduating students can understand. I never thought I'd have two homes. A home in Georgia and a home in Idaho. Of all places... Idaho. :P
Why is it that we must leave home to go home? I have made a home and a family here and it's just hard to leave one for the other because I love them both so much.

To you wonderful married friends: Is it this hard? To leave one thing you love for something you love just as much, if not more? Is it hard to leave home when you know you're gaining another amazing home and family?

In some ways it seems easier because of the knowledge you have of the happiness and blessings you will receive. That's why it's so hard to leave. I know I am happy here, and I am receiving blessings by being here. But what I don't know is what will happen when I go back to GA. It's not as solid. And maybe that's because I'm not so willing to go. Lol. For a person who likes change most of the time, I can be pretty stubborn when I do stick my mind 100% to something. So maybe my stubborness is affecting my judgement. It's entirely too possible. :)


Jessica said...

It's definitely still hard. But you somehow find it easier to cope with than you would think. I don't know how I survive without my mom close by...but somehow, I do it. Without complaining too much.

Brittany said...

I completely understand what you're saying! I have a hard time with change. School, jobs, even the seasons sometimes. Luckily marrying Josh hasn't been to big of a change (surprisingly enough) but his family is a lot different than mine. I sadly don't have any suggestions to help because I need help too! haha!

Wonderful married shenanigans and adventures. :)