It's been a long time, Blogging World. Sorry about that. Sometimes life takes a pretty strong hold and it doesn't want to let go.
Summer was awesome. The beginning of the school year has been pretty good. I love my students. They are already pretty amazing and I know I'm going to have a good year with them. I am so excited! I just have a really good feeling that this is going to be a great year. So here we go, 7th and 8th graders! Let's rock this. ;)
On the flip side of awesomeness there have been some challenges. Well, one challenge to be specific. And I brought it upon myself. That's what I find to be so amazing about the Lord and the way He works. Even when we're not listening and trying to ignore Him, He still finds a way to humble us enough so that we can listen. So that we WILL listen. And this time, I really didn't want to listen and I made life hard for myself. Then, when I finally listened and acted upon the things I felt and heard, life became so much easier and brighter. I had several people tell me, "Wow, Liz. You haven't been yourself for awhile, but're back! Good to see you." Not even kidding. Several people have told me that. And everyday there are little affirmations that tell me I'm doing the right thing, right now. Everyday there is something that reminds me that the Lord is mindful of me, He loves me, and I need to put my trust in Him. Sometimes you have to step into the darkness to find the light. :)
President Joseph F. Smith said, "I firmly believe [that] the divine approval, blessing and favor of Almighty God … has guided the destiny of His people from the organization of the Church until the present … and guided us in our footsteps and in our journeyings into the tops of these mountains." Now, President Smith was speaking about the pioneers but I think this can also apply to us. Heavenly Father leads us and guides us into our own "mountains" sometimes. The road may be bumpy, the weather may be fierce, and the days may be dark. But eventually God leads us out of the mountains and into the valley where we will find rest. And if we give our will to Him and do our best to follow Him, He will lead us to amazing things.
And finally Elder M. Russell Ballard said, "Truly the Lord encourages us to walk in faith to the edge of the light and beyond—into the unknown. After the trial of our faith, He once again shines the light ahead of us, and our journey of faith in every footstep continues."