Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Thank you, Mr. ENT!

Hooray for wonderful doctors that listen to you. :)

Honestly, I feel that if I had gone to a good doctor in February who would listen to me and my history with sinus nonsense, then I wouldn't still be sick. But thank heavens for the doctor today because he listened and is going to help me immensely! I can not wait.

So today my ENT told me that I have polyps in my nose. See here and here for more information. But essentially they're non cancerous (did you know you could get cancer in your nose???) and mainly annoying. They're like mowing the lawn. They'll come back, but you can "cut" them down and keep 'em in shape with medicine or surgery. I get to go back for a lovely CT scan later this month to see if that is necessary and if there's anything else in there we need to know about.

I'm just so excited because I'm finally getting answers! The other doctors I went to just wanted to get me out of the office and so didn't take the time. But now I feel like I have a doctor who is going to do what the profession requires. Take care of me. Hooray for being on the up-swing of feeling better!

Thursday, May 26, 2011


I promise I'm a happy person! I was just frustrated last post. But things have been getting a lot better and school ends next week! Woo hoo! I am so excited. I am ready to break and re-cooperate. Reason being: I'm still sick. :( I've been sick since the middle of February. Three doctors, two anitbiotics, one steroid shot...and four months later I'm still Little Miss Sicky. So on Tuesday I'm headed to an ENT. Thank goodness! I am so excited, I can't even tell you! I just hope someone can figure out what's going on in my nose. That would be nice. :)

Other than being sicky and school ending, I just found out the other day that I will be teaching at the same school next year! I am so excited about this! It is such a relief to know I have another job for a year because I think the stress of not-knowing has added to the sickiness. So now I know! Hooray! I also just found out that my old roommate will be teaching at one of our sister schools! She'll be down the street from me! I am so excited! I cannot wait for Fall and for her to be here. There will be good times!

So not much lately, but I will keep you updated on life and what all the ENT tests say. See ya!

Wonderful married shenanigans and adventures. :)