As you can tell by my status, I am home and no longer in "The Burg." At first it was not fun and definitely difficult to swallow. There was a lot of crazy things going on, like I said, and unfortunately a lot of drama that I wanted no part of. So about after a month of this, and after a month of hoping and praying things would magically get better, I decided to act and remove myself from the drama. Best decision. Ever. It is truly amazing how much the pettiness, meanness, and drama of others can affect someone else. What it can do to a person. It truly wears on you.
But right now, I can not complain. It's true when they say that which does not kill us makes us stronger. The pettiness and drama I mentioned earlier lead me to a few conclusions about certain things; conclusions I needed to come to. It forced me to think through things that I didn't want to think through. Unfortunately, the drama was needed; almost necessary. The outcome: a better perspective, a better handle on life in general, a sharper focus on the people that actually matter, and a re-dedication to being exactly who I want to be --- me. Since this wonderful epiphany, life has been infinitely happier and home has not been all that bad. :)