Hello from the South! Yes, I am home and it has already been interesting. But not a bad interesting, just interesting. I'm adjusting to home life quite well so far too. It's good to be back home with the family and the ward. Can I just say, I miss kids. A lot. In a single student ward Sacrament is a alot nicer because you don't have kids screaming and running up and down the isle, but this past Sunday I got to help out with the Sunbeams and oh my cuteness. I loved it. I miss little kids so much! During Sharing Time this one little boy sitting next to me just got this sad look on his face, crawled up into my lap, and nestled his head against my chest. I just about cried! It was the cutest, sweetest thing you've ever seen. And so I'm sitting there rocking him and if I moved my hand one inch from his he would just grab it and move it back on top of his. It was so precious! I was like, "I want kids!" Not right now ofcourse. Lol. But for the future kids are for sure on the top of my list. So Easter was a good day. :)
I have a funny story though from when I got off the plane. I had nowhere, and I mean nowhere to pack my scriptures so I had my bookbag as one carry on and my scritpures as the other. So I'm walking through the airport with my bookbag and scriptures, feeling like I got some spiritual protection with me, I can't stray to far from the Rexburg bubble feeling. I landed in Atlanta at around midnight and inorder to get from the terminals to the baggage claim you have to get on this train. On the train I was standing next to this girl who scared me so bad! I look over and she's wearing this white tanktop (which she's practically falling out of), she's got piercings all up and down her ears, a nose ring, a lip ring, probably a tongue ring although I can't say for sure because I didn't see it, and tatoos all up and down her arms and shoulders. The first thing that entered my mind was, (and some of you are going to think I'm horrible) "This is it. I have officially entered Babylon." I'm sorry! It was the first thing that came into my brain! I was trying so hard to keep from laughing but ok, here's this girl who is lookin kind of scary, let's be honest, and then me whose wearing jeans, a hoodie, no tatoos, one set of earings, AND I'm carrying my scriptures around. And people know what they are, I mean a quad or the latest teen Bible are all carried in the same thing. So she looks me up and down thinking I'm the weird one, and I'm looking her up and down and trying to smile and be polite without laughing...it was funny. At least I thought so. Lol. I am sure though, sarcasm aside, she would have been a really neat person to talk to. I like meeting new people and learning about them and things like that so it would have been cool to talk to her. The comparison though was just awesome!
Also while being home, I'm on this new "positive" kick. I am going to try to be insanely postive about things. Not that I'm dripping with disdain, but I just want to be more positive. I want to look at everyday with confidence and faith that it will be a good day. I want to be grateful for not only the things that I love, but my trials and the things I hate too. I want to be able to walk into work everyday with my head held high and be grateful that I have a job. I want to try and see the best in the people I work with and be the positive one. And I mean, being grateful and happy can only make things better right? And I'm sure the Lord will bless me and help me through each day if I thank Him for it, good or bad. So I'll let you know how that goes.
And through out the summer I'll be sure to post some pictures! Have a great night!